Telecommunications Business

Remote Monitoring and Control System

To provide such services as gas pressure monitoring and, in the event of an earthquake, shut-off of gas supply, we build up systems that allow large amounts of equipment to be remotely monitored and controlled all together in an expeditious manner. Responding to the scale and needs of city gas businesses, we offer the most suitable system for each business, ranging from a battery-powered small system to a large private communications network.
Control panel installation and other on-site work is carried out by our qualified employees with advanced knowledge of communications and electricity. They propose the most efficient installation method in response to the on-site installation environment, ensuring customer satisfaction.

Remote Monitoring and Control System

Cathodic Protection Equipment

High-pressure gas pipes, which are made of steel, may be damaged by electrolytic corrosion due to the surrounding environment, including soil and railroads. Therefore, coating or other treatment is applied to these pipes before they are installed underground. However, the durability of the treatment effect can decrease, and in some cases, treating with an anticorrosive itself may be difficult. To endure the soundness of steel gas pipes, cathodic protection equipment is of great help. We make optimal proposals and offer the best-suited equipment in response to the surrounding environment.

Cathodic Protection Equipment

Other Electrical Works

Electricity is a power source necessary to operate city gas systems and maintain their soundness. Our employees with various types of electrical licenses carry out a wide range of electrical works other than the above, including electric wiring on customer premises and in buildings.

Other Electrical Works