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  • Pipe Inspection Camera and Water Removing system
Pipe Inspection Camera and Water Removing system


This system is designed to inspect pipe interiors and to remove water safely and efficiently from the water-infiltrated sections of pipelines. To place the pipe inspection camera and the water removing system into the pipeline, this system uses a newly developed "no-blow" insertion jig.

How system is attached to different pipe types

About the Method

The "no-blow" insertion jig is attached to an existing branch clamp (or bypass saddle in the case of a PE pipe) on a low-pressure live pipe or to a bored live main. The pipe inspection camera examines problem areas. At the same time, a pneumatically driven diaphragm pump is used to remove water from the live pipe.

Method Overview Figure

Key Devices

Launcher Guide pipe Plug attachment jig for main Reel Branch/main water removing system Pipe inspection camera

Scope of Application

This system, incorporating a REX special-order pipe inspection camera, "no-blow" insertion jig and branch/main water removing system, is used to repair pipes to fix water infiltration.

Pressure Low
Pipe size 50A - 150A
Pipe type Steel, cast iron and PE


Pipe inspection camera Insertion length: up to 30 m on one side
Water removing system Max. capacity: 9 L/min
Range: up to 30 m on one side
Passage through piping with bends Not possible to insert into conventional branches and PE pipes with an elbow. Can pass through a main with up to four 45o bends.


  • (1) By fitting an adapter, the insertion jig can be attached to all types and sizes of pipe without using any special device or material.
  • (2) The "no-blow" insertion jig requires no special clamp, since it is attached to a branch by an existing PC clamp (white clamp for 65 mm pipes) and, in the case of a cast-iron pipe, to a directly bored hole.
  • (3) The system enables the operator to remove water with reliability while monitoring the water level with the camera.